Lawyer - Reorganisation Consultant - Interim

The person behind the desk is me: Annette de Groot. Lawyer with over 16 years of experience in employment law. Specialized in the legal aspects of organisational restructuring and redundancies.

There is a lot involved when a company makes organisational changes, as there are many laws and rules an employer should observe. Especially if the reorganisation has consequences for the staff.

Is it necessary to make changes in the company?

But you can no longer see the forest for the trees? I would be happy to help you on your way. There can be many different reasons to carry out a reorganisation. Perhaps your business is dealing with similar issues.

Questions you might have:

What are the employment law consequences of making changes in the organisation? And how do they affect the company and the employees? Which laws and regulations must be complied with? How do I avoid setbacks, unnecessary hassle or conflicts?

Which steps should be taken? And what is the best order?

Can I dismiss an employee of my choice? How do I conduct a dismissal procedure at the Institute for Employee’s Insurances (UWV) or in court?

The Reorganisation Desk helps.

I am here to explain the legal aspects clearly and to advise on the best way forward, based on the companies' interests. Where possible, I help to prevent or mitigate the personnel consequences of restructuring.

To steer the company away from unnecessary unrest.

The Reorganisation Desk offers professional and specialist legal advice, strategic guidance and support in the implementation of changes in the company.

Together we ensure that the restructuring plan is implemented with the least amount of pain.
And with the support from all stakeholders.

The interests of the organisation - and of the employees - are paramount.


Please click on one of the services below for more information.

Why The Reorganisation Desk?

Because you can rely on my extensive experience with guiding companies through a reorganisation and my specialist knowledge of employment law in that area. The desk distinguishes itself by the fast, informal and practical transfer of that knowledge. Guidance and advice from an experienced and committed lawyer, but still accessible and understandable. With transparency and clarity in advance about the costs.

I invite anyone with questions about the reorganisation process to knock on my door. But I prefer to help people and organisations committed to create a better planet and sustainability.

Do you want to know more about the lawyer behind the desk?

Checklist with steps to take

Would you like to get an idea of what a reorganisation involves?
And how the desk can make your life easier?

Click on the button below to view the free checklist:

Any questions?

Please fill in the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Questions concerning regular employment law?
Visit The Employment Law Desk

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1075 BL Amsterdam



