Reorganisation Checklist

21 August 2020

As an employee, do you want to get an idea of what is involved in a reorganisation? For example, to check whether your employer has paid attention to all parts of the process. The Reorganisation Checklist helps you perform that check.

Click here for the Dutch and English pdf version of the checklist. Easier to print.


The organisation is familiar with:
O – The consequences for personnel after implementing changes in the organisation
O – Statutory rules and regulations, rights and obligations
O – Obligations deriving from an applicable Collective Labour Agreement
O – The achievability of potential dismissals
O – Employee participation obligations (Works Council)*
O – Obligations under the Collective Dismissal Notification Act (WMCO)*


The organisation has devised:
O – What steps need to be taken
O – The chronology

Reorganisation plan

The organisation has prepared:
O – Explanation of the necessity of the changes to be made
O – Intended board decision in accordance with the articles of association
O – Personnel overview before and after the changes
O – Organisation chart before and after the changes
O – Job descriptions (old and new)
O – Social redundancy plan*
O – Documents in the context of advice from the Works Council or employee participation body (request for advice)*
O – Documents under the Collective Dismissal Notification Act (WMCO)*

Dismissal selection*

The organisation has determined whether there are:
O – Separate company locations
O – Positions that are cancelled entirely
O – Positions that are interchangeable
O – Positions in which a reduction needs to take place with observance of the reflection principle
O – Possibilities to deviate from the reflection principle

The organisation has determined:
O – Who is to be declared redundant


The organisation has in mind:
O – An overview of vacancies and expected vacancies within the group
O – Reassignment options per redundant employee


The organisation has in mind:
O – Through which route dismissals will be realised
O – The agreements that need to be settled
O – The termination dates of employment contracts
O – Amount of the transition fees or severance payments

Employee participation*

The organisation has received:
O – An advice from the Works Council of employee participation body

A) Settlement agreements*

The organisation has prepared:
O – Redundancy letters
O – Customized individual settlement agreements
O – Internal and external communication
O – Final payslips

B) Institute for Employee’s Insurances (UWV)*

The organisation has prepared:
O – Redundancy letters
O – Dismissal application forms A, B and C, including attachments
O – Letters of termination
O – Final payslips

* if applicable

The Reorganisation Desk can advise you in every phase of the reorganisation. If the rules of the game are not met or when your employer does not inform you correctly about this, there is a good chance that a forced dismissal is not an option. And that you have the right to remain employed. Or instead to walk away with a generous severance package.

Want to know more? Please contact me to explore the possibilities. The agency also offers a discount for employees. View the costs page on the website and ask for the hourly rate, without any obligation to engage.
